Losing weight is becoming increasingly an obsession and a mental challenge. Introducing a yoga sequence for morning weight loss, it is a beginner level sequence focused on arms, abdomen, legs and back. Let’s go through this yoga sequence step by step along with the purpose of each pose. Enjoy your yoga journey with ROSEBIBI!
Begin with Balance: Child's Pose (Balasana)
Purpose: Start your yoga practice by grounding your energy.
Duration: 4 breath cycle
- Kneel on your yoga mat with your toes together and knees hip-width apart.
- Place the hands on the heels behind you and as you exhale raise the spin and the entire back.
- Then take your arms forward resting your face on the ground.
- Allow every breath to deepen your relaxation and stretch the back.
Activate Your Core: Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
Purpose: Strengthen your back, legs, and arms, awakening your body.
Duration: 6 breath cycle
Transition: Smoothly transition from calming into energizing by rolling onto your stomach.
- Lie face down on your mat, arms at your sides and palms up.
- Take a deep breath and begin maintaining the pose for about 6 breaths
- As you inhale, lift your head, chest, arms, and legs off the mat about 30 degrees.
- Engage your lower back and hamstrings, and extend your arms back towards your feet, palms facing each other.
- Keep your neck neutral to maintain alignment.
Essential Stretching: Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Purpose: Stretch and strengthen the entire body while calming the mind.
Duration: 6 breath cycle
Transition: Lower your limbs to the mat, press up through tabletop, and then lift into Downward Dog.
- From a kneeling position, set your hands on the mat slightly forward of your shoulders.
- Tuck your toes under, lift your hips up and back, and work to straighten your legs while pressing your heels towards the floor.
- Distribute your weight evenly between your hands and feet, and let your head hang freely.
Build Stability: Warrior Pose I (Virabhadrasana I)
Purpose: Improve focus and stability with this powerful pose.
Duration: 6 breath cycle each side
Transition: Step your right foot between your hands from Downward Dog into a lunge, then rise to stand.
- Turn your left foot in slightly, ensuring both heels are aligned.
- Bend your right knee over the right ankle, keeping the shin vertical, and raise your arms overhead, palms facing each other.
- Inhale and draw your shoulder blades down your back and look up slightly, engaging your core for balance.
Enhance Flexibility: Reverse Warrior Pose (Viparita Virabhadrasana)
Purpose: Stretch the sides of your body while improving leg flexibility.
Duration: 6 breath cycle each side
Transition: From Warrior I, sweep your right arm down and back, placing your left hand on the back leg.
- With your front knee still bent in Warrior I, reach your right arm overhead and back, keeping the arch from your back hand through your extended arm.
- Look up toward your fingertips, opening your chest and side body.
- Loosen the body as you inhale
- Expand and extend the stretch as you exhale.
Align and Stretch: Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)
Purpose: Strengthen and stretch your legs and muscles along your torso.
Duration: 4 breath cycle each side
Transition: Move into a pose that promotes balance and flexibility.
- Shift your hips back slightly, then reach forward with your front hand, placing it on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your front foot as you inhale.
- Extend your other arm toward the ceiling, opening your chest and hips to the side, gaze following the top hand as you exhale.
Deepen the Stretch: Intense Leg Stretch Pose (Prasarita Padottanasana)
Purpose: Lengthen the spine and open the hips, enhancing flexibility.
Duration: 6 breath cycle
Transition: From Triangle, bring your feet parallel in a wide stance about 90 degrees.
- Place your hands on your hips and lengthen your torso as you inhale.
- Fold forward from the hips, placing your hands on the floor beneath your shoulders as you exhale.
- Let your head hang freely, and if comfortable, walk your hands back in line with your feet, elbows bent.
Open the Hips: Garland Pose (Malasana)
Purpose: Enhance hip flexibility and lower body strength.
Duration: 6 breath cycle
Transition: Enter a squat that opens your lower body.
- With feet about mat-width apart, drop your hips towards the ground, keeping your heels flat if possible.
- Press your elbows against your inner knees, hands in prayer position at your heart center, and use your elbows to gently push your knees wider.
- Gaze up if possible and stay focusing on the core.
Strengthen Your Core: Boat Pose (Navasana)
Purpose: Challenge your balance and strengthen your abdominal muscles.
Duration: 8 breath cycle
Transition: Shift to a seated position and prepare to engage your core.
- Balance on your sitting bones, extend your legs upward, and if possible, straighten them as you inhale
- raise your arms parallel to the floor as you exhale
- Engage your abs and maintain a straight back to avoid rounding your spine.
- With every exhalation take the pose deeper by raising the legs to almost 60 degrees and balancing the body on the buttocks.
Release and Relax: Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Purpose: Integrate the benefits of your practice and fully relax your body.
Duration: 12 breath cycle
Transition: Ease down to lie flat on your back, legs and arms relaxed.
- Spread your legs slightly apart, let your feet flop open, and place your arms alongside your body, palms facing up.
- Close your eyes and breathe naturally, allowing your body to absorb the practice's benefits and recover fully.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, this sequence will enhance your practice and promote a deeper understanding of your body's capabilities and needs. Enjoy the blend of energy and calm in your practice today.
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